
This document contains a short installation guide for TopX. It describes mainly the installation on Win32 platform. With minor changes, the same procedures can be used on other operating systems (e.g. Linux).

Download and install necessary software and packages

To successfully run TopX, you need to download and install the following software components:
  1. Java 2 SDK 1.5 or newer, available here
  2. Apache Tomcat 5.0 or newer, available here
  3. Oracle database server, Release 9i or newer, available here
The TopX browser-based GUI has been optimized to work with Firefox and SeaMonkey. It is known to have problems with Internet Explorer.

Download necessary Java packages

To successfully run TopX, you need to download the following Java packages:
  1. Oracle JDBC library for your Oracle installation, available here
  2. JWordNet, available here (to import WordNet into the ontology server)
  3. Colt 1.0.3 or newer, available here
  4. GNU trove 1.1b1, available here
  5. Snowball stemmer from the Lucene project, available here (you need lucene-snowball-2.0.0.jar from the Lucene package)
  6. Oracle XML parser 10g, available here (you need xmlparserv2.jar from that archive)
To successfully compile the TopX Java source, you need to download a J2EE implementation (such as the one coming with Apache, or the Sun J2EE SDK (1.4 or newer) available here).

Installation from archive

Extract the TopX zip file directly into your Tomcat "webapps" directory. Copy the necessary Java packages into the lib subfolder of the newly created topx directory. These include
  1. classes12.jar (the Oracle JDBC driver)
  2. jWN.jar (the JWordNet package)
  3. colt.jar
  4. trove.jar
  5. lucene-snowball-2.0.0.jar
  6. xmlparserv2.jar

Installation from the source

  1. Compile the TopX sources. You need to have the required Java packages in the classpath (see above for a list), including a J2EE implementation.
  2. Create a directory topx in your Tomcat webapps directory, with a subdirectory WEB-INF, which has in turn subdirectories classes and lib.
  3. Copy topxindexer.bat from the source distribution to the topx directory
  4. Copy web.xml from the source distribution to the WEB-INF directory.
  5. Copy the xhtml directory from the source distribution with all its contents to the classes directory.
  6. Copy the compiled Java classes to the classes directory
  7. Copy topx_config.xml and topx_schema.xml to the classes directory.
  8. Copy the required Java packages (see above) to the lib directory.

Testing the installation

Start Tomcat and open the url http://localhost:8080/topx in your browser (replace 8080 with the http port of your Tomcat installation). You should see an initial screen with the TopX Search servlet but with no collections available yet.

Indexing Collections

You can now start indexing one or more XML data collections in different DB schemas using the TopXIndexer GUI. Just open a command shell and go to the webapps directory to start the TopXIndexer.bat (or create a similar call for UNIX).

Fill in the host and the service name of your Oracle database, and give a user and password for the database account that will hold the TopX index later. Now enable at least the following options: "Create or replace user" (and give the password of your Oracle database's SYS account), "Create schema", "Materialize scoring function". Now mark the directory or files that you would like to index in the left directory tree (by double clicking). The indexer will create a default TopX user and a separate schema for each additional data collection (identified by user name) that you want to maintain in your database. Then restart Tomcat and check again for available collections. Logo